Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



Welcome back! Happy new year, Year 6. Let us start 2025 by having a fantastic half term.

We hope you have had a well deserved break and some rest over the last two weeks.

Throughout our new module, we are going to be exploring migration. What is your understanding of the word migration?
Migration is a movement of people from one place to another. Throughout your history learning alone you should be able to name some civilisations that often moved around, but can you explain why they did so? Not just humans migrate - can you think of any animals that migrate? Why do they do this? Already we are beginning to stretch our inquisitive learning muscle this half term.

Over the holidays, you were tasked with going home and discussing the roots of your families. Have you all come from the same place? Has anyone in your family lived in another country, or even another part of England? Hopefully this sparked some interesting discussions back home and we cannot wait to share all the things we have learnt already before the term has even begun!

By the end of our module, we will need to answer our Golden Thread question: Is it important to see the bigger picture?
Seeing the bigger picture is often very important; it helps you to understand context, identify patterns and make more informed decisions based on ‘zooming out’ and looking at the broader perspective. We will discuss and explore this further throughout our module this half term.

This module links closely with our Core Skills of: Life-long Learning, Being Effective Communicators and Being a Good Citizen.



A few routine reminders:

Learning Journals should be in school everyday as new information about reading books, trips, letters, homework and upcoming events will be added throughout the week.

So we can get our learning off to a quick start, please make sure your PE kit is in school everyday (take a look at our prospectus to double check what you need). Each item should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Please remember to label your child’s uniform, water bottle and PE kit. PE kits will be sent home each week to be washed and returned every Monday.


The Year Group staff are:

Year Co-Ordinator - Miss Sutton

Class 6.1 - Miss Green
Class 6.2 - Miss Sutton
Class 6.3 - Ms Smith
Class 6.4 - Mr Wilson

Teaching and Learning Lead - Mrs Sheard

Support staff:
Mrs McGough will be teaching in Year 6 on a weekly basis.
Teaching assistant: Miss Smith

 Each child is allocated to a class and has a named class teacher.

As well as this, the classes will also be taught by other staff.
For core subjects (maths and reading) children may have other teachers leading their lessons, as we create different groupings to target their current needs and close any gaps in learning. These groupings still follow the same curriculum.
If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Sheard.

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