Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



The new school year starts on Wednesday 4 September

We cannot believe we are saying this, but you are being welcomed back into your last half term in year 5! Where has this year gone? We have done so many wonderful things and learnt so much this year. We have one final module in store for you and it is a very popular one.

This module will be a history based module and we will explore a very famous period of history. There was plenty of change, plenty of drama and plenty of consequences that came from the choices of powerful individuals.

You will need to stretch your inquisitive learning muscles this half term. We are sure you will have lots of questions to ask and some of you may even have some of your own knowledge to share about some very famous figures. A question for you to think about: Our school is situated on the Stratford Road. Why might the road have this name? We wonder how many of you already might know something about the significance of this name...

You will be stretching your resilient learning muscle as we ask design inventions and keep changing and developing our designs as we go.

Our golden thread will be: Do all our choices have consequences?
The children will explore the monarchs of the Tudor time period and will decide which of the monarchs was the most significant. They will do this through historical enquiry and comparison.


A few routine reminders:

Learning Journals should be in school everyday as new information about reading books, trips, letters, homework and upcoming events will be added throughout the week.

So we can get our learning off to a quick start, please make sure your PE kit is in school everyday (take a look at our prospectus to double check what you need). Each item should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Please remember to label your child's uniform, water bottle and PE kit. PE kits will be sent home each week to be washed and returned on Monday. Year 5 should arrive at school between 08.50 and 09.00.


The Year Group staff are:
  Teaching and Learning Lead   - Mrs Green
  Year Co-ordinator -    Miss Sutton

        Class 5.1               -    Ms Hindmarsh
        Class 5.2               -    Miss Balderson
        Class 5.3               -    Miss Fawcett
        Class 5.4               -    Miss Sutton


Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Zia and Miss Dema




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