Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



Relationship and Health Education

Relationship and Health Education became a statutory curriculum subject from September 2021.
The full Department for Education document can be read by clicking  here.

HGJS has already asked parents and carers to share their views on this curriculum as we develop it to meet the statutory needs and we collected parental voice in February 2021.

We now have our new policy, taking into account parental and stakeholder views and the additional detail that the DfE has recently provided around what to cover in the curriculum.  The DfE has put a lot more emphasis on mental health and wellbeing aspects of RHE.  

Please click here to read our new policy.



Year 5 Puberty Lessons

Watch the video below to find out what we will be covering in our puberty lessons.

Singing for your Wellbeing

Singing has been proven to have many benefits towards our mental and physical wellbeing. Not only does it give us a good body workout, but it also helps to replace the stress hormones created in our bodies with calmer hormones, helping us to relax and concentrate better.

Last half term, the children learnt a song called Raise My Voice, which focused on the importance of speaking up, working together and having fun. After lots of practice, the children were much more confident with the song and some even added actions in order to get a full body workout. The children's performances have been made into a whole school music video, which can be viewed below.

Let's hope it makes you feel good too!