To read the newsletter, click on the written information linked to each newsletter:
Newsletters 2024-25 Spring term
Newsletter 12: Recent events in Hall Green, charity event 2025, Young Voices and NSPCC guide to walking home alone.
Newsletter 11: Welcome back, charity event 2025, homework and homework information sheet, and emergency closures.
Newsletters 2024-25 Autumn term
Newsletter 10: End of term newsletter: Year 3 presentation, Christmas celebration week, Christmas lunch, hampers and other items.
Newsletter 9: 7th best primary school in Birmingham, Year 6 presentation, attendance policy and information, music performance and HSA winter fair.
Newsletter 7: HSA Winter Fair, new ties, photos on site.
Newsletter 5: End of half term information and Year 6 residential.
Newsletter 3: Introducing our new Pupil Leadership Team.
Newsletter 2: New information sheets, community expectations, kitchen award, snacks in school and book fair.
Newsletters 2023-24 Summer term
Newsletter 19: End of year newsletter
Newsletter 18: Teachers and classes for next year, uniform for September 2024, Questionnaire for parents, Prospectus for 24-25 and event updates.
Newsletter 16: End of half term newsletter.
Newsletter 15: Year 6 SATs, Year 6 residential trip next year, football team news, last day of school year and ice creams.
Newsletter 14: Vaisakhi celebrations and Hall Green library.