Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo): Mrs Tolley
Looked after Children Coordinator: Mrs Tolley
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ms Charles
Special Educational Needs Governor: Ms S Haworth
For any SEND queries, please email: enquiry@hallgrnj.bham.sch.uk
Hall Green Junior School SEND Information Report
Our SEND Information Report is written in line with our SEND and Inclusion Policy (link in the menu on the right) and the Birmingham Local Offer (website link at the top of this page).
This Information report is updated annually and was last updated in November 2024. It is written as responses to a series of frequently asked questions that parents/carers might have concerning SEND needs and provision.
Click on each question for further information. All information has been checked and updated as of November 2024.
SEND in Birmingham
- Birmingham City Council has a local offer website. You can find more information by clicking the link below: