Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



Happy New Year everyone

Year 4

Happy New Year!

Welcome back Year 4.

We hope you had a wonderful break and you are ready to continue your learning journey.

Hello, I am Earth. I’m where you live... you and a few billion others!

People live all over me on bits of land called continents - can you name all seven of them?
Over two thirds of my surface is covered in water. Most of it is held in the five oceans.

I orbit the sun, which takes me a whole year. There’s an imaginary line that runs around my middle, which is always closest to the sun. This is called the Equator. It marks the difference between my two parts: the northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere.

I have a lot going on, but there is more. Can you guess these other features from the following clues...

I am something people like to climb
But I’m not a tree with branches
I have lots of snow at my summit
So beware of avalanches

If you feel one of these
Finding a safe place is a must
As the ground moving is caused
By vibrations in the Earth’s crust

These are objects which can erupt
Like Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii
They pump out lava and magma
And spray ash and rock which land miles away

Welcome back year 4!



Learning Journals should be in school everyday as new information about reading books, trips, letters, homework and upcoming events will be added to it throughout the week. Homework books should also be brought in daily - make sure you check your homework timetable to see when homework is due.


So that we can get our learning off to a quick start, please make sure PE kits are in school everyday (take a look at our prospectus and Learning Journals to double check what is needed). Each item should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Water bottles should be brought into school daily to ensure children are hydrated and should have a sports cap.


The Year Group staff are:

              Teaching and Learning Lead - Mrs Constable 

        Year Co-ordinator -    Mrs Constable

        Class 4.1          -    Miss Wiltshire
        Class 4.2          -    Mr Ricketts
        Class 4.3          -    Mrs Tucker 
        Class 4.4          -    Mrs Alam

 Mrs Kennedy, Miss Millar and Ms Khizer are the Teaching Assistants for Year 4. 

 Each child is allocated to a class and has a named class teacher.

As well as this, the classes will also be taught by other staff.
For core subjects (maths and reading) children may have other teachers leading their lessons, as we create different groupings to target their current needs and close any gaps in learning. These groupings still follow the same curriculum.
If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Constable.

Year 4 Blog

Year 4 Blog

  • 4.1. worked together to match mountain features today in Geography.
  • 4.3 had fun completing their baselines for their skipping challenge today.
  • 4.4 worked together to create a variety of circuits in Science today.
Further Articles »

Welcome to Year 4 Meeting