Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



The new school year starts on Wednesday 4 September

Year 4

Welcome back year 4!


This is your last half term before you go into year 5! Let's make it the best one yet!


It's 793CE, and life in Britain was changing. The Romans had left and fled back to Italy and other parts of Europe. However, just as Britain was getting used to this new way of life, another army had its sights set on all that Britain had to offer....


They came in their thousands in new types of ships. They were far more aggressive than the Romans. They wanted all of Britain's riches.


Different language

Different helmets

Different swords

Different shields, but the same goal.... Conquer Britain!


The effects of ?????? can be seen in European trade, art, culture, society, and language. The traces of ??????’ culture are apparent in the dialectics of present-day Scotland and Northern England. ?????? discovered many trade routes in Europe. They also found and settled a number of islands, leaving a lasting impact on European History.


Who could the invaders be? 

Learning Journals should be in school everyday as new information about reading books, trips, letters, homework and upcoming events will be added to it throughout the week. Homework books should also be brought in daily - make sure you check your homework timetable to see when homework is due.


So that we can get our learning off to a quick start, please make sure PE kits are in school everyday (take a look at our prospectus and Learning Journals to double check what is needed). Each item should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Water bottles should be brought into school daily to ensure children are hydrated and should have a sports cap.


The Year Group staff are:

              Teaching and Learning Lead - Mrs Constable 

        Year Co-ordinator -    Mr Cox

        Class 4.1          -    MissWiltshire
        Class 4.2          -    Miss Starkey
        Class 4.3          -    Miss Begum 
        Class 4.4          -    Mr Cox 

        Mrs Kennedy is the Teaching Assistant for Year 4. 

Year 4 Blog

Year 4 Blog

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