Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



Year 3


We hope you had a great break and enjoyed our 12 days wild challenge. Thank you to all those who took part and sent us pictures, voice notes and messages about all of your holiday adventures. 


This half term we will be exploring the work of famous artists from around the globe. Looking carefully at the paintings, drawings or sculptures they created to find the story within them.


Art can tell many stories, but how have the artists used colours, lines or even texture to show an emotion or feeling? We will investigate how facial expressions and body language tells us a story and how artists use this within their work. 


If you have a free day to explore, why not take a trip to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. The Art gallery recently reopened after being closed for several years due to renovations. It is home to many spectacular pieces of art and is free to enter. 


Things to remember

To avoid lost items, please make sure all school uniform and PE kits are clearly labelled with your child’s name. PE kits will be sent home every other week to be washed and returned on Monday. 

Learning Journals need to be in school everyday and must be signed by an adult every Thursday.




The Year Group staff are:

Year Co-ordinator / Teaching and Learning Lead - Mrs Goodman

Class 3.1 - Miss Balderson 

Class 3.2 - Miss Fawcett

Class 3.3 - Miss Mehmood  

Class 3.4 - Miss Begum


Mrs Demu is the teaching assistant working in year 3.


 Each child is allocated to a class and has a named class teacher.

As well as this, the classes will also be taught by other staff.
For core subjects (maths and reading) children may have other teachers leading their lessons, as we create different groupings to target their current needs and close any gaps in learning. These groupings still follow the same curriculum.
If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Goodman.


Year 3 Blog

Year 3 Blog

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Welcome to Year 3 Meeting