Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



The new school year starts on Wednesday 4 September

Year 3

We hope you have all had a lovely break with your families. It is the last half term of year 3 and we are ready to dive back into our learning!
This half term, we will be travelling back in time to around 2,500 years ago.  Have you ever wanted to know who ran the first marathon? Or who invented the yo-yo? Well, the answer lies within the ancient civilisation we are going to be learning about! But it wasn't all running around and playing with yo-yos with this lot. They also worshipped many different Gods and Goddesses, created theatre as we know it and even originated many of the words we use today! Can you guess who we're going to be learning about?

Please ensure that any medicines your child needs in school are clearly labelled with their name and the expiration date and that you have filled in the relevant form from the school office.


 Please make sure all school uniform and PE kits are clearly labelled with your child’s name. PE kits will be sent home each week to be washed and returned on Monday. Learning Journals need to be in school everyday and must be signed by an adult each week.


The Year Group staff are:

Year Co-ordinator - Miss O’Neill

Class 3.1 - Miss Raymant 

Class 3.2 - Mr Ricketts

Class 3.3 - Miss Mehmood  

Class 3.4 - Miss O’Neill


Mrs Jarrett and Miss Smith are the teaching assistants working in year 3.



Year 3 Blog

Year 3 Blog

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