Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B28 9AJ



Trips / Visits

When you ask the children what they enjoyed about a module of work they have completed, the answer is almost always the trip if one was part of the module.

School tries to ensure that children have access to many trips /  visits to enhance their learning experience.

Trips cost money.  School has a proportion of the school budget put aside to cover the cost of trips that form an integral and necessary part of the curriculum.  We cover the cost of swimming, trips to places of worship and others.

For all other trips, we ask parents for a voluntary contribution towards the trip to make it viable.  The cost asked of each parent is the actual cost for their child  - no parent is ever asked to contribute more than this amount.  If we do not receive enough contributions to make it viable, the trip is cancelled.  These trips are ones that bring the module alive for the children but are not a necessary part of the module.

Because of the feedback we get from the children about how much they value the trips, we look to get as many good trips into the curriculum as possible - we know this is a cost to parents and we are very grateful that many of our trips go ahead because parents value them as much as we do.


We usually try to take our Year Groups on the following trips / visits:

Year 3:
Place of Worship
Compton Verney
Drumming Workshop
Martineau Gardens
Symphony Hall / CBSO


Year 4:
Place of Worship
Sarehole Mill
Lunt Fort


Year 5:
Place of Worship
Selly Manor
River Cole


Year 6:
Place of Worship
Art Gallery
Year 6 Residential (not linked to curriculum)
End of Year 6 fun trip (not linked to the curriculum)